
Musique et Santé

Advocating and working for the development of live music in hospitals and institutions for disabled persons.
+334 94 07 76 19 – Hameaux du Château Vert, 27 placette Dronte 83110 Sanary sur Mer

Pilot European 'Music in Healthcare Settings' Training Programme

In the framework of a Leonardo da Vinci Partnership

Musique & Santé (Paris, France), the Royal Northern College of Music (Manchester, United Kingdom), Music Network (Dublin, Irlande) Ireland), and the Academy of Music of Cracow (Poland) developed a pilot European 'Music in Healthcare Settings' Training Program from October 2008 to September 2010.

The key objectives were:

  • identifying the skills and competences required of musicians to carry our musical interventions in healthcare settings
  • developing and evaluating a pilot European Music in Healthcare Settings Training Program across the partner countries
  • exploring the potential for certification / accreditation of the training;
  • embedding the training in the partners’ annual programme.

The results of the project were

  • the training of 14 musicians from the four partner countries
  • a proposition of list of skills and competences required of musicians to work in healthcare settings.

The program had the additional benefit of:

  • transferring new competences to musicians in a European context
  • intercultural and interdisciplinary collaborations
  • humanizing the hospital environment for patients, visitors and staff

This project was supported by the “Leonardo da Vinci – Partnership” programme of the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning programme.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.