
Musique et Santé

Advocating and working for the development of live music in hospitals and institutions for disabled persons.
+334 94 07 76 19 – Hameaux du Château Vert, 27 placette Dronte 83110 Sanary sur Mer


Musique & Santé is regularly requested to present their actions during European conferences, to present the French insitutional framework of “culture in hospitals”, to put their expertise at the service of European cooperation projects or to set up training programs.

Exchanges with our European partners have triggered the development of intercultural projects (artistic residencies, trainings, interdisciplinary resource center, conferences, …) as well as the set up of a network and a mutual enrichment of our practices.

European cooperation favors a sensitiztion of citizens to culture and especially to live music in allowing an access to culture to hospitalized persons, from babies to elderly persons, and to healthcare staff. It participates in the humanization of hospitals by improving the global care and well-being of patients.

Our European projects have so far received the support of various partners: European Commission (Lifelong Learning Program – Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig – Culture 2000 program), French Ministry of Culture (Département de l'éducation et du développement artistiques et culturels), Regional Council Île-de-France, Fondation de France (program L’Europe en plus large !), City of Paris (Label Europe),…