
Musique et Santé

Advocating and working for the development of live music in hospitals and institutions for disabled persons.
+334 94 07 76 19 – Hameaux du Château Vert, 27 placette Dronte 83110 Sanary sur Mer

Projects 2001-2005

Since its creation in 1998, Musique & Santé has always built up links with its European counterparts.

The organisation participated in several European actions:

  • February 2001: participation and co-organisation of the First European Forum of the Arts in Hospital and Healthcare in Strasbourg
  • 2002: Organisation of training sessions for Italian musicians wishing to professionalize their musical actions in the paediatric Meyer Hospital of Florence, in partnership with the Livia Benini Foundation and the Athenaeum Musicale Fiorentino (2002, 2005 and 2008)
  • June and September 2002: organisation if the de la première First European Summer University “Music in health and handicap environments” (Strasbourg and Florence), in partnership with the Centre de Formation de Musiciens Intervenants of the University Marc Bloch in Strasbourg
  • June 2004: participation in the International Conference of Culture in Hospitals in Dublin