
Musique et Santé

Advocating and working for the development of live music in hospitals and institutions for disabled persons.
+334 94 07 76 19 – Hameaux du Château Vert, 27 placette Dronte 83110 Sanary sur Mer

Songs, Body Percussion, and Vocal Improvisation

With Steve Waring

Tireless musician-inventor, sound seeker, collector of onomatopoeias, word player, eardrum and tempo tickler, Steve Waring is a composer interested in music from all over the world.

A traveling folksinger who marries traditional and improvisational, the music of yesterday and today. The originality of his composing is his ability to write children’s songs close to jazz themes…

The Workshop

From July 9 -13, 2012, 12 adults with no musical prerequisite from 7 different European countries participated to the workshop. The countries represented were: Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Latvia, Romania and the United-Kingdom.


The following themes were tackled:

  • body percussion, vocal games, onomatopoeias, games of rhythm, language and timbres;
  • improvisation from traditional songs, from a personal repertoire and using vocal acrobatics;
  • interpretation of different themes, using the body as an instrument to accompany the voice,
  • improvising for the fun of it .

The participants were thus able to:

  • develop spontaneity and creation abilities within a group;
  • refine listening, concentration, and self-confidence;
  • understand the importance of songs and singing in our relations to others whatever the context.

Grundtvig program - Education Culture DG

Participants in this workshop were selected on submission of an application form. This Workshop was financed by the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Commission: Grundtvig grants covering registration fees as well as travel, local transport, meals and accommodation costs (within the European Union ceilings) were offered to selected applicants.
This training session is registered in the Comenius-Grundtvig Training Database under the reference number 2011-1-FR1-GRU13-24608.