


Music in Healthcare Settings: Training Trainers

Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation


Adaptation of the training to local contexts

- mapping and analysis of local situations with Partners and local associated partners in order to adapt the training as best as possible to local contexts
- review of the specific needs in each country
- meetings with Partners and associated partners to prepare year 2 of the project
- selection of musician trainees most suited for year 2 of the project (experimentation and transfer phase)

► Training ready to be implemented for the experimentation phase (year 2) in each Partner country with associated partners
√   Summer 2011

Experimentation of the training programme

- transfer of innovation (training): experimentation and implementation of the training programme in each Partner country in cooperation the project Partners and their associated partners 
- transfer of competences: training musicians to be trainers in the field of "music in healthcare settings"

► Project Partners and Local trainers ready to set up local training programme "music in healthcare settings" within the Partner's vocational training program 
√   From September 2011 to April 2012


- communicate on and disseminate widely the project, its evaluation, and its results
- exploit the result of the transfer in the Partner countries and possibly further
- expand the European network set up by Musique & Santé around music in healthcare settings based on exchanges of good practices, think tank, projects...

► Valorisation of the project, the partnership, and the results through a distribution to various end-users and an exploitation of the results in the Partner countries and beyond
√   Throughout the project and at its end


- report on the project outcomes, assess the impact of the work and examine the sustainability of the work

► On-going and final evaluation: on-going readjustments and final conclusion
√   By the end of the project (September 2012)

Cooperation with the healthcare sector

- discussion on how best to engage in long-term relationships with the healthcare sector: seeking evaluation/assessment from the healthcare sector on their experiences of the programme and use the programme as an opportunity to advocate to the healthcare sector about this work

► Long-term relationship of Partners with the local / national healthcare sector
√   during and after the project


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Musique & Santé: Eve-Laure Gay, info(at),

RNCM: Holly Marland, holly.marland(at),

Music Network: development(at),

TUAS: Päivi Sippola, paivi.sippola(at),